Beat the New School Year Stress!

Our top tips for starting 2025 with minimal stress.

We all know the start of the year can be challenging and busy – for teachers, school administrators, and students alike. Parents can find the start of the year stressful as well, and often this can end up directed at administrators. 

But there are things we can be mindful of that can make this time of year a lot easier – for us and others. 

From getting organised to installing a plant – here are our top tips!

Prioritise tasks and set realistic targets

It can be easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of work that creeps up at the start of a year. Start by creating a place to write down everything that crops up during the day as it happens- either digitally or in a blank diary. 

Work out a system for prioritising tasks, and work through them systematically, marking them off as you go. 

This way, you can see your progress throughout the day and re-prioritise for the next.

Eat and sleep well

A good breakfast and lunch are especially important if you’ll be on your feet or people-facing until lunchtime. Choose foods that will keep your energy sustained for a long time, are high in protein, and are easy to keep in a stash.

Most importantly, take time to stop and eat/drink/stretch even when you are overwhelmed by your to-do list. It will speed you up.

Keep things organised

Create a way to manage the inevitable clutter by establishing how you want to sort things before you have children and staff lining up with requests. Visually, clutter can create stress without us even knowing it. 

Create a positive environment

We are capable of ‘setting the tone’ – which, in turn, helps those around us feel more positive and interact in ways that keep each other energised and encouraged.

By smiling, taking the time to warmly greet everyone around us, and acknowledging that is a tricky time for everyone and patience is required, we can affect change in a positive way and set the tone for a great start to the year.

Add a touch of greenery

Most spaces benefit from a beautiful plant. It doesn’t need to be big, but something fresh and green is astonishingly helpful in creating a positive atmosphere. Multiple studies have produced evidence that stress levels are reduced by the presence of indoor plants and even increase productivity among office workers.